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Who is God?
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ParentFuel blogs about a lot of subjects. We've tried to group them into categories, so have a click on a subject that you'd like to know more about.
Searching for a new family
How do you honour an abusive parent?
Is swiping right always right?
A house is where you crumble
Santa v Jesus
Talking about Jesus' return without scaring your children
Are new beginnings always scary?
Parent Fuel: a move to a family filled with faith
Solo parenting camping adventures
Godly wisdom for a gender confused world
Is there faith after divorce?
Solo Parenting at Christmas
Grief in a changing world
The Long Walk
The loudest roar comes from the hardest of places
'That Day'
Longer than a matchstick
Out with the old in with the new
Finding treasures
What are you thankful for?