Where do I fit in it all?
Have you ever walked outside on a beautiful day? The sun is streaming down, the flowers are out, the birds are singing and everything just feels right with the world. We must have all heard the beginning of the Bible. 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth'. But is that where you stopped? God created all that beauty that you see. The hills and valleys, the sea and sand, the creatures big and small, the seasons, and you.
God created you to be in His image. When God created you, He made you unique. The Bible tells us that God knew who we were before we were even born and He watched us grow inside our mother's womb. He gave you special gifts and talents and desires that no one else has. He wants nothing but the best for you.
God sent His Son, Jesus, to live on earth as we live - in a broken world where sometimes you have to look sideways to see beauty. He understands what it's like to live on earth because He has done it. Then He died on the cross and took away all the bad things that we have ever done so that we can have a relationship with Jesus. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, proving that even death can't hold Him down.
But we live in a fallen world, which means bad still happens to people, by people. The best thing is, when we decide to believe and trust in God, He promises that He will walk with us through the highs and lows of life. So when life hurts and we can't see the beauty anymore, we can trust that God has already been there and is working out a way for us to see the amazing world that He has created.
If you have never said yes to God, why not start today? Just pray a simple prayer and then tell someone about it. You can contact me or you could contact your local church and someone will pray with you and help you with the next steps. I can promise you that it is the best adventure that you will ever have.
'Thank you, God, for loving me before I ever loved you. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for me. Thank you that you know me and love me completely. I know I have made mistakes and now I ask for your total forgiveness. I turn away from everything that I know is wrong. Today I choose to put my faith in you and say yes to following you. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Amen.'